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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rhetorical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rhetorical - Essay Example In the course of this paper I will examine the rhetoric employed by Nathan Comp in his article entitled â€Å"An End to the War on Weed?† This article suggests that recent changes indicate the status quo with regards to the criminalization of marijuana may soon be at an end. Logos is an important aspect of Comp's argument. He wants to present his argument as eminently reasonable and the alternative to it as foolish. He presents many facts about the status quo which suggest that it is not working. He argues that there is a â€Å"growing sense that America’s marijuana policy is more harmful than the plant itself . . .† However, his reasoning is a bit simplistic. If the status quo is defective, simply remove the laws creating it, he says, and everything will be solved. This argument is a bit childish. As suggested below, legalizing marijuana does not solve the crime problems relating to other drugs. He argues that voters no longer seem to care that presidents have a dmitted to using marijuana. That is an important fact, but all presidents have said it is a negative thing and none support its legalization. If voters were to elect a stoner as president that might be more definitive. The suggestion is frequently made that marijuana is safer than alcohol, but again little evidence is used to support this claim. Experts are quoted saying: â€Å"The problem is that people still have a perception of harm that’s been built up over many years . . . If marijuana were legalized tomorrow, in 10 years these perceptions would be very, very different.† This is pure supposition and not logic. The evidence is divided on this issue. Nevertheless, this effort to appeal to authority sounds convincing and is useful logos. A great example of Comp employing ethos to recommend his argument is when he speaks about the Obama administration's potential backtracking on a liberalized regime towards marijuana. Comp does not believe these actions mean much. He writes, â€Å"to paraphrase Victor Hugo, not even the strongest government in the world can stop an idea whose time has apparently come.† This is a useful quote as it appeals to idealism and faith. It suggests that the people are opposed to the government and that the people have right on their side. By quoting Hugo, Comp sounds more credible, more classical, and more authoritative. This is a good example of using rhetorical ethos to make a point. The paraphrase is slipped into the argument but helps set a persuasive tone. The ethos Comp wants to communicate through this paper is one in which those who support legalization are pragmatists and progressives, and those who oppose it are retrograde and careless. This is a moral issue for Comp. The two sides are divided between good and bad. Pathos is as much a part of Comp's argument as any other rhetorical technique. He tries to frighten the reader into believing in his view on legalizing marijuana. Describing the situation in M exico, he writes that arguments for legalization â€Å"have taken on unusual gravity over the last year, as drug-fueled violence along the Mexican side of border has excited fears that the carnage and mayhem will spill over into American cities. Testifying before a House panel in March, a top Homeland Security official warned that the cartels now represent America’s largest organized-crime threat, having infiltrated at least 230 American cities.† He presumes that these facts support the argument for legalization,

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